How To Learn Computer Programming With The Basics Of C Language

Learning to program a computer is one of the best and most fulfilling skills you can learn. It’s an incredible skill that people tell me they never thought they would be able to do – but with some patience and a lot of practice, I was able to teach myself.

Why Learn C Language

In today’s world, computer programming is gaining more and more significance. It’s a valuable skill applicable across various industries, providing a great opportunity to understand the mindset of a computer. If you acquire this knowledge, you’ll find numerous Computer Science opportunities for your career, especially in roles that involve developing applications using C programming. In summary, starting your programming journey with the C programming language is an excellent choice.

C is a relatively simple language, but it’s powerful enough to get you started on your programming journey. It’s also widely used, so learning C will give you a good foundation for understanding other programming languages.

There are plenty of resources out there for learning C programming, so there’s no excuse not to get started! Check out some of the resources below to start learning the basics of the C language.

How to Get Started with C Language

If you want to learn computer programming, there’s no better place to start than with the C language. C is a widely used language that forms the basis for many other programming languages. It’s also relatively easy to learn, especially if you have some prior experience with programming. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of C so you can get started coding right away.

Once you’ve got the hang of the basics, you can move on to more advanced concepts like data structures and algorithms. You can also start exploring different programming paradigms, like object-oriented programming. But even if you never go beyond the basics, learning C will give you a strong foundation in programming that will serve you well in any field.

How To Write a Program With Good Old Turbo C

We all know that C is one of the oldest and most widely used programming languages. It is a relatively simple language and can be learned easily by beginners. Many universities still teach C as their introductory language.

While C might not be the most modern language out there, it is still a great language to learn for those looking to get into programming. And what better way to learn C than with good old Turbo C?

Turbo C is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that was popular in the 80s and 90s. It is no longer supported by Microsoft, but it can still be downloaded and used for free. Many people still use Turbo C to this day, as it is a great tool for learning how to program.

Here are some basic steps on how to use Turbo C to learn programming:

Step 1: Download and install Turbo C from here.

Step 2: Once installed, open up Turbo C and create a new project. Give your project a name and select “Console Application” as the type.

Step 3: You will now be presented with a blank screen where you can start writing your code. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to write just yet, we’ll get to that.

Step 4: First, let’s start with a simple program that will print “Hello, world!” to the screen. Type the following code into Turbo C:


int main()

{ printf(“Hello, world!”);

return 0; }

Step 5: Now go ahead and click on the “Compile” button. This will compile your code and create an executable file.

Step 6: To run your program, click on the “Run” button. You should see “Hello, world!” printed on the screen.

Congratulations! You’ve just written your first program in C!

Tips and Tricks for Learning Programming

There are various ways to learn programming. And it all depends on what you prefer. To begin with, here are some tips and tricks.

Choose a Programming Language

Choose a programming language that interests you. There are many different languages to choose from, so it’s important to select one that you’re interested in learning. Otherwise, you’ll quickly become discouraged and may give up on learning altogether.

Find Basic Resources

Find resources that can help you learn the basics of your chosen language. Once you’ve selected a language, there are plenty of resources out there that can help you get started, including books, online tutorials, and forums.

Learn With Basic Input/Output

Start small and gradually increase the complexity of your programs as you gain confidence. When first starting out, don’t try to tackle too much at once. Start with simple programs and gradually increase the complexity as you start to feel more comfortable with the language.


The best way to learn is by actually doing it. So, find opportunities to practice writing code as often as possible. This could include working on personal projects, participating in online coding challenges, or even contributing to open-source projects. Remember that on initial days you may have to sit for long hours just to get acquainted with the lingo of coding. Thus, make sure that you have a comfortable sitting arrangement before taking up any large-scale project. In case you are unsure what comfortable seating involves, checking out a site similar to could be helpful.

Join a Community

Get involved in the programming community. There’s a huge community of programmers out there who are always willing to help others learn and grow. Getting involved in this community can be a great way to learn.

By following the tips in this article, you should be able to learn the basics of computer programming using the C language. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t understand everything at first – it takes time and practice to become proficient in any programming language. Just keep at it, and soon you’ll be writing your programs with ease!

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